The Only Patented, Timed Release Delivery System in the Industry.
zümXR® is the innovator behind the only patented, timed-release delivery system in the industry. zümXR® has developed a proprietary delivery system using encapsulated micro-beads to deliver active ingredients. This market tested and pharmaceutical based formula offers nutritional supplement manufacturers a competitive advantage through aggressive label claims.

Mitigating Side Effects of Caffeine
The common negative side effects of caffeine, like jitters, anxiety, crashing, can be mitigated by the zümXR® delivery system.

State of the Art Technology
zümXR® was developed with state of the art technology deriving from the pharmaceutical industry, with dissolution testing on every batch.
Encapsulation Technology
Utilizing the same technology while remaining scientifically tested, zümXR® can incorporate this technolgoy into other widespread supplements.